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Welcome to Paris Speech Masters!


You have embarked on one of the most fulfilling educational journeys of your life!  We hope that you will thrive at Paris Speech Masters, Where Good Speakers Become Great!


First, become familiar to our tools:

1. Toastmasters International official website. You will find loads of information about the organization. 


2. Website for Continental Europe. Here you will find club management tools.


3. Toastmasters’ educational programs that focuses on specific area like leadership. 

The first project that you are invited to present is the Ice Breaker.


Our VP of Education and VP of Membership will help you get set up with the tools you need to get started, among other things: a mentor, a new club badge, a login for our EasySpeak system, and the password to our Members’ Portal.


Here you will find a wealth of information, as well as on the Toastmasters International website.


Please use EasySpeak to indicate whether you will be attending an event.

This can be done in advance for the entire season for regular meetings, as well as other club activities, and updated as needed.


Don't hesitate to contact any of the club officers or members if you have questions! We’re looking forward to hearing you speak and watching you grow!


The Paris Speech Masters Team

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